


    Comparative study of freshwater crustacean populations in the lowland ecosystems of the Yangambi Biosphere Reserve and the Highland of protected areas of the Maiko in Tshopo Province (DR Congo): implications for biodiversity conservation.

  • Batachoka Mastaki Daniel

    Batachoka Mastaki Daniel

    Illegal trafficking and poaching of endangered primate species in and around Kahuzi-Biega National Park, Eastern DR Congo

  • Branly Calicles NTENE SOH

    Branly Calicles NTENE SOH

    Mobilizing data of the Mount Tchabal Mbabo threatened and endemic amphibians for identification, taxonomy, conservation assessment and training.

  • Mucyo Ndera Tuyizere

    Mucyo Ndera Tuyizere

    Assessing the Effectiveness of Ecosystem-Based Forest Landscape Restoration under climate, Land use land cover change in the Congo Nile Crest Agro-Ecological Zone, Rwanda.

  • MAHOUNGOU Styven Sam

    MAHOUNGOU Styven Sam

    Light trajectories and functional groups among 45 Central African tree species

  • Guilen-Noel Tataw

    Guilen-Noel Tataw

    Biodiversity patterns of butterflies and bat species in Ebo Forest Reserve, Cameroon.

  • Kamga Lydie Messado

    Kamga Lydie Messado

    Pollination network, floral scent specificity and overall floral trait diversity in three natural orchid communities in Cameroon

  • Kingha Zebaze Jasmine Flora

    Kingha Zebaze Jasmine Flora

    Diversity and community structure of bats in a modified tropical environment in the Mbam and Djerem National Park, Cameroon.

  • Beteck Awoh Simon Munzu

    Beteck Awoh Simon Munzu

    Encroachment survey in mount Cameroon national park.

  • Lueong Lovees Ahfembombi

    Lueong Lovees Ahfembombi

    Project: Beyond Wildlife Trade: Women’s Role in Forest Resource Conservation and Implication on Sustainability in the East Region Cameroon.

  • Tcheutchoua Romuald Chrisstial

    Tcheutchoua Romuald Chrisstial

    Using ecological and sociological studies to unveil the unappreciated ecosystem services of aculeate wasps in Cameroon.



    Assessing the potential of Lobéké National Park (Cameroon) for conserving Congolian lowland forest bat diversity.