Lyne Carelle Fokam Payi
Updated distribution and impact of the little fire ant Wasmannia auropunctata on flightless soil invertebrates in southern Cameroon rainforest
TCHOCKANG Pauline Théophile
Diversity, Ecology and Conservation of Amphibians in the Proposed Ebo Forest National Park (Littoral-Cameroon)
ANDJIPAKOTA Bonaventure Didier
Recherche sur la biodiversite floristique de Mboko.
Patrick Namulisa
Ecological stoichiometric flexibility using vertical tree observatories in Yangambi Biosphere Reserve, Congo Basin Forest
Obam Julien Clerc
Development of a biocomposite based on gypsum and pineapple leaf fibres for sustainable construction: moisture and fungal degradation
Déterminants abiotiques de la diversité floristique des écosystèmes ripicoles au Cameroun
Murielle Majiteu
Ecological study of the vulnerable Eastern Giant Eland (Taurotragus derbianus gigas; Heuglin, 1863) in Benue National Park, Northern Cameroon Region.
Yvette Umurungi
Aquatic biodiversity assessment Nyungwe National Park and its buffer zone, Rwanda
Joseph MBA FOE
Critical study of floristic variation along an elevation gradient of a submontane cloud forest in the west of Cameroon
AHANA Shamamba Gisèle
Impact of Pharmakina/Bukavu wastewater on Lake Kivu littoral zooplankton
Mundi Nnandi Noukou Onella
Assessing the Impacts of Anthropogenic Pressures on the Abundance and Distribution of the Vulnerable Yellow Casqued Hornbill in the Ebo-Forest, Cameroon.
Jessica Gansonkeng
Governance of sacred Forests in the Western Region of Cameroon: Current state and prospects for sustainable management