Republic of Congo

  • Tsufac Azembouh Roshinus

    Tsufac Azembouh Roshinus

    Conserving soil macro-fauna for soil fertility enhancement through agroforestry: Case study of coffee-based agroforests in Cameroon



    Ecology and spatial modeling of Prioria balsamifera (Vermoesen) Breteler in the Doume Communal Forest: an Endangered and high-priority species for conservation

  • Mwamibantu Muliri Dubois

    Mwamibantu Muliri Dubois

    New multi-scale bioacoustic techniques for wildlife monitoring in the Lomako Reserve

  • Fidele Ezechiel Koffi Hounnouvi

    Fidele Ezechiel Koffi Hounnouvi

    Prospective modelling of deforestation and distribution of Pan paniscus in the Sankuru Nature Reserve, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

  • Isaac Ahananamungu Makelele

    Isaac Ahananamungu Makelele

    Implement permanent sampling plots along elevation gradient to understand the Albertine Rift ecosystems functioning under a changing environment

  • Billong Raissa Andrea

    Billong Raissa Andrea

    Evaluation Of The Ebony Sustainable Project’s Community Forest Restoration Activities On Local Communities In Cameroon

  • Ivan Kahwa

    Ivan Kahwa

    Ethnobotanical Survey of Medicinal Plants Used by Local Communities around Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda.

  • Alysson Bery

    Alysson Bery

    sequestration to understand the role of local communities in reforestation activities with Diopsyros crassiflora in the East region of Cameroon.

  • Esther Abeme NGUEMA ALENE

    Esther Abeme NGUEMA ALENE

    Checklist of the bat fauna from Altos del Nsork National Park



    Spatial distribution, threats and fishermen’s perceptions about the Congo otter Aonyx congicus, an endangered species along the anthropised shores of southern Lake Kivu (East Africa).

  • Leandre Murhula

    Leandre Murhula

    Research Monkeypox virus from bushmeat markets in protected areas of great apes at east of Democratic Republic of Congo.

  • Luis Fernandez NGOULA

    Luis Fernandez NGOULA

    Influence des facteurs environnementaux régionaux sur les attributs démographiques des arbres dans la forêt de bassin du Congo.