
  • Ginette Sandrine Liegui

    Ginette Sandrine Liegui

    Vermitechnologie et potentiels dans le recyclage des déchets organiques ménagers pour une agriculture durable au Cameroun

  • Johann Myrna Nya Paho

    Johann Myrna Nya Paho

    Evaluation in vitro de l’activité antiplasmodiale des extraits de plantes médicinales sur les souches résistantes de Plasmodium spp. au Gabon

  • Ada Acobta

    Ada Acobta

    Estimating Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Palm Oil Trade in Cameroon

  • Anastasia Amor Ñengono  Nkogo Abeso

    Anastasia Amor Ñengono Nkogo Abeso

    Busqueda De Estrategias Del Conflicto Hombre Animal (Elefante) Del Monumento Natural De Piedra Nzas.

  • Ghislain Bileri-Bakala

    Ghislain Bileri-Bakala

    Characterization and sustainable management of the floral resources of the forest facies of the Léfini wildlife reserve (Republic of the Congo)

  • Moustapha Mounmemi

    Moustapha Mounmemi

    Institutional failure and sustainability of the wood-energy sector in Cameroon

  • Divin Vuakere Malekani

    Divin Vuakere Malekani

    Impact of the Coronavirus epidemic on the marketing and consumption of targeted wild animal species at the level of households, restaurants and markets in the city of Kinshasa, DRC

  • Cédric Chimi Djomo

    Cédric Chimi Djomo

    Evaluation of the ecosystem goods and services of Chinese bamboo in the agro-ecological zone of the highlands of Cameroon

  • Thoms Kavali Tondo

    Thoms Kavali Tondo

    Dissecting natural regeneration and favorable factors for three tropical timber species in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

  • Eric Basosila Batwanyele

    Eric Basosila Batwanyele

    Impact of cassava viral pandemics on forests and biodiversity in the former Province Orientale, Democratic Republic of the Congo

  • Sorel Léocadie Inimbock

    Sorel Léocadie Inimbock

    Covid-19 and traditional pharmacopoeia in the Deng-Deng massif: ethonopharmacological, socio-economic and ecological implications

  • Fabrice Dobo

    Fabrice Dobo

    Criminal repression of environmental offenses under Cameroonian law