Louis-Paul-Roger Kabelong Banoho
Modeling of ecosystem services in the face of the effects of climate change in the tropical rainforests of Cameroon
Gislain II Mofack
Use of Terrestrial LiDAR to establish non-destructive biomass allometries in the Congo Basin: case of semi-deciduous forests at the Bouamir site in Dja
Miriam Minerva Ondo Mbeng Mbeng
Hunting pressure in Pico Basile National Park: Appreciation of the fauna populations
Franklin Simo Talla
Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on the urban wildmeat trade and consumption of pangolins
Jonas Kambale Nyumu
Local depletion in socioecological hunting systems: an ethnozoological approach in Yangambi.
Clinton Factheu
Assessing the impact of Giant Salvinia proliferation on the African manatee’s habitat use in Lake Ossa, Cameroon.
Marlène Ngansop Tounkam
Non Timber Forest Product distribution and management in indigenous Baka village
Tobit Liyandja Dja Liyandja
Cryptic diversity, phylogeography, and adaptive radiation in keystone herbivore fishes unique to the Congo Basin
Simeon Tchakonte
Freshwater crustaceans as bioindicators of land-use pressure and habitat alteration in the Dja rainforest (Southern Cameroon): key notes on their diversity, ecology and conservation
Nalika Hadijah
Conservation and sustainable management of Encephalartos equatorialis: an endemic and critically endangered plant species in Uganda
Cyrille Mbu’u Mbanwi
Molecular Characterization of Henipa-like Paramyxoviruses in Bat, Rodent and Pig Populations in Cameroon
Ernest Dadis Bush Fotsing
Assessing the Nigerian chimpanzee community (Pan troglodytes ellioti) in Central-Cameroon’s, Mpem and Djim National Park.