
  • Louis-Paul-Roger Kabelong Banoho

    Louis-Paul-Roger Kabelong Banoho

    Modeling of ecosystem services in the face of the effects of climate change in the tropical rainforests of Cameroon

  • Gislain II Mofack

    Gislain II Mofack

    Use of Terrestrial LiDAR to establish non-destructive biomass allometries in the Congo Basin: case of semi-deciduous forests at the Bouamir site in Dja

  • Miriam Minerva Ondo Mbeng Mbeng

    Miriam Minerva Ondo Mbeng Mbeng

    Hunting pressure in Pico Basile National Park: Appreciation of the fauna populations

  • Franklin Simo Talla

    Franklin Simo Talla

    Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on the urban wildmeat trade and consumption of pangolins

  • Jonas Kambale Nyumu

    Jonas Kambale Nyumu

    Local depletion in socioecological hunting systems: an ethnozoological approach in Yangambi.

  • Clinton Factheu

    Clinton Factheu

    Assessing the impact of Giant Salvinia proliferation on the African manatee’s habitat use in Lake Ossa, Cameroon.

  • Marlène Ngansop Tounkam

    Marlène Ngansop Tounkam

    Non Timber Forest Product distribution and management in indigenous Baka village

  • Tobit Liyandja Dja Liyandja

    Tobit Liyandja Dja Liyandja

    Cryptic diversity, phylogeography, and adaptive radiation in keystone herbivore fishes unique to the Congo Basin

  • Simeon Tchakonte

    Simeon Tchakonte

    Freshwater crustaceans as bioindicators of land-use pressure and habitat alteration in the Dja rainforest (Southern Cameroon): key notes on their diversity, ecology and conservation

  • Nalika Hadijah

    Nalika Hadijah

    Conservation and sustainable management of Encephalartos equatorialis: an endemic and critically endangered plant species in Uganda

  • Cyrille Mbu’u Mbanwi

    Cyrille Mbu’u Mbanwi

    Molecular Characterization of Henipa-like Paramyxoviruses in Bat, Rodent and Pig Populations in Cameroon

  • Ernest Dadis Bush Fotsing

    Ernest Dadis Bush Fotsing

    Assessing the Nigerian chimpanzee community (Pan troglodytes ellioti) in Central-Cameroon’s, Mpem and Djim National Park.