
  • Malange Nanyongo Fedo

    Effects of Palm Oil Plantation Development on the Threat Status and Occurrence of Rainforest Birds in Talangaye, Cameroon

  • Rykielle Grace Josene Mpikou

    Rykielle Grace Josene Mpikou

    Dynamique et stock de carbone de la litière en forêt naturelle du Nord du Congo

  • Phanuella Djanteng Seme

    Phanuella Djanteng Seme

    Dja Biosphere Reserve in 2025: A view by local populations

  • Walter Paulin Tapondjoi Nkonemeneck

    Herpetological assessment of a central African rainforest refuge, the Kimbi-Fungom National Park, North-west Cameroon

  • Marcelle Armande

    Soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks following changes in land use and soil types in the Chaillu forest massif

  • Saddam Assani

    Conception d’une application intelligente d’identification des plantes ligneuses tropicales

  • Paul Pamela Tabi Eckebill

    Paul Pamela Tabi Eckebill

    Biological interactions between edible caterpillars and timber in Central Africa: the case of Imbrasia oyemensis (Saturniidae) and Entandrophragma cylindricum (Meliaceae)

  • Franklin Simo Talla

    Franklin Simo Talla

    Distribution, abundance and habitat use of the giant pangolin Smutsia gigantea Illiger, 1815 in the Mpem et Djim National Park

  • Romeo Fopa

    Romeo Fopa

    Organisations paysannes et conservation de la réserve de biosphère du Dja: fortes attentes dures réalités?

  • Guevic Isaac Tribunali Likulia

    Guevic Isaac Tribunali Likulia

    Monitoring the spatio temperal dynamic of fragmented gorilla populations in East central and equatorial Africa

  • Lionel Brice Yamb

    Citizen Science: Involving local communities and citizens into marine mammal conservation using modern technology in Cameroon coastal line

  • Rosine Tsetchoua

    Etude de la diversité des Champignons Mycorhiziens Arbusculaires (CMA) associés à la pomme de terre (Solanum tuberosumL.) au Cameroun